Robotics Technician Program

The Robotics Technician training program introduces the concepts of industrial robots and explains how they can be used in a plant or manufacturing system. The primary focus of the program is on automated manufacturing processes, as well as the role of robots and all of their support equipment. Students receive both theoretical and laboratory instruction through a combination of multimedia learning resources and a robotics simulation software package to allow for the programming, testing, and debugging of robot-control programs. Areas of study include motion programming, palletizing, conveyor systems, computer networking, automated sorting systems, vision and tactile sensors and computer integration. Modules: Introduction to Robotics; Robot Classifications; Manipulators and End Effectors; Robot Drive Systems; Servo Systems; Payload, Repeatability & Accuracy; Object Detection; Vision, Touch & Sound; Robot Programming; Robot Safety; Communications; Applications; Artificial Intelligence; Autonomous Robots.



