In this five-module, 30-hour micro-certificate, participants learn: Module 1: the importance of a manager‚Äôs leadership styles, attitudes, behaviours, and skills, and explore the role of a manager/leader in relation to individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole. Module 2: how to improve relationships at work through the use of voice dynamics and body language, and by learning to listen, question, and give feedback effectively. Module 3: the stages of team development, effective team behaviours, and the role of the leader in order to set team goals and develop strategies for managing conflict within a team. Module 4: the coaching model, and how to apply its principles to maximize employee performance and foster employee commitment, satisfaction and dedication. Module 5: change management – theories, models, strategies and processes to help leaders provide individuals and organizations with the awareness, motivation, knowledge and ability to change.
Leadership in Manufacturing