NOC Tag: Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants

  • Supervisory Skills for Business and Industry

    The Manufacturing Leadership Certificate Program (MLCP) is supervisory training designed by manufacturers for manufacturers, in collaboration with the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) and your community colleges. This course will help develop effective communications and customer relations skills and an awareness of the multi-faceted approach to leadership demanded in the modern business environment.

  • Metrology

    This course will introduce students to the role and significance of metrology in TQM and Quality Assurance. Basic techniques on the use of precision instruments, their calibration, and applications are introduced. The basics of surface measurement and geometric measurements are introduced.

  • Statistical Methods

    The online course is designed to provide students with an introduction to probability and statistics theory, including descriptive and inferential statistical computing. Topics include basic descriptive measures (mean, mode, median, standard deviation and variance), the central limit theorem, the normal distribution and its application, probability theory, linear regression and correlation, calculating confidence intervals and basic…

  • Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking

    This online course will provide an introduction to the principles of continuous improvement and benchmarking. Students will learn about the history and roots of continuous improvement, the core principle of Plan-Do-Check-Act continuous improvement cycle, the Kaizen philosophy for continuous improvement and Poke-Yoke (error-proofing). Included in this course is a brief introduction to advanced improvement methodologies…

  • Measuring Instruments (Metrology)

    Participants learn the role and significance of metrology in TQM and Quality Assurance. Basic techniques on the use of precision instruments, their calibration, and applications are introduced. Additionally, the basics of surface measurement and geometric measurements are presented.

  • Finding and Advancing Your Career

    In this course, you will learn about finiding and advancing your career. You will learn how to find job postings, how to build an effective resume and cover letter, succeed in the interview process, and more.

  • Introduction to Automotive Components

    This course is designed to provide you with both a funadamental interpretation and understanding of basic standards of industry-accepted technical nuances of motive power vehicles. It will provide general information regarding the component’s location, interrelationship to other parts as well as their purpose and function.

  • Applied Project Management

    Are you looking for effective project management skills so that you can complete projects on time and on budget? Georgian College is pleased to bring you the Applied Project Management program. This 14-week online program will provide you with practical and professional skills in all aspects of project management. Participants in this program often work…